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SCREW 2014 RESOLUTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Through 2013 there has been a plethora of ups, downs, side, to side, all around, and through the ground breakthroughs! Needless to say, it's been a tough year, in my opinion.

DIY Make Up Vanity Lights = Success!!! Saved over $300!!


So I just set up my new film lighting/ make up vanity, and I did it ALL BY MYSELF!! The desk and vanity lights were configured completely by me [with the help of the internet].

The Viewer's Ask: Growing, Patience, and Dyeing Natural Hair


Going natural can be difficult, especially if you have never learned to manage your hair without chemical treatments. Being natural is honestly a journey of trial and error. No one person can tell you the magical product that will make your curls curlier and moisturized because all of our hair is unique.

#WCW...Only it's not Wednesday


This has been years in the making, but I have truly come to love myself. Through the good, the bad and all the flaws I have learned that it is not what people see, but what people feel from your spirit that matters. Being happy entails being confident in who you are on the inside, and not allowing others to be the center of your galaxy.

Welcome to my Blog!


As I enter a new chapter of my life, I have made a promise to myself to take advantage of every opportunity possible. Set aside my fears and doubts and dive in head first.You are lucky! You get to see it first hand.

Well...here goes nothing!